Ethics Policy.

Lesta Packaging Plc is committed to upholding high standards of ethics, equal opportunity and fair business practices in all its dealings with employees, customers and suppliers.

As a leading supplier to the wholesale and retail industries, Lesta believes it has a responsibility to set a positive example in its dealings with others and operates a number of fundamental principles and values which it believes are the foundation of sound and fair business practice. This includes the adoption of a zero-tolerance approach to illegal or unethical behaviour of any kind, including bribery, corruption, modern slavery, child labour or exploitation of individual rights.

Lesta complies with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and is against all forms of enforced labour. Lesta and its suppliers must recruit their workers on a purely voluntary basis, without any coercion, containment, punishment, penalty or other oppressive labour conditions, or any threat thereof. Lesta do not require employees to make any deposit or financial guarantee to obtain employment and do not withhold or delay wage payments. Lesta respects the contractual rights of its employees and respects their rights to leave the workplace on completion of their contracted shifts.

Lesta stands against all forms of child labour or exploitation and does not recruit any employee under 18 years of age. We comply with all applicable child labour laws including those relating to wages, working hours and working conditions. Lesta expects its suppliers to comply with applicable local laws regarding the minimum hiring age for employees.

Lesta is an equal opportunity employer and respects the right of every individual to participate in all aspects of employment without regard to their personal characteristics, background, or beliefs (such as race, religion or gender). The Company is committed to treating all employees and job applicants equally and bases its employment decisions solely on ability, qualification and merit. Managers must follow the Equal Opportunity Policy and relevant legislation when making employment decisions, including recruitment, training & development, promotion, disciplinary, redundancy or dismissal.

As part of its commitment to equitable treatment, Lesta respects the rights of its workers to associate freely, in compliance with prevailing local laws and without intimidation, reprisal or harassment of any kind or threat thereof. Lesta expects its suppliers and business partners to uphold similar commitments in compliance with local laws and good practice.

This document affirms our commitment to comply with all applicable labour laws of the UK and the wider world in which we operate. We also expect our suppliers, business partners and associates to demonstrate similar standards and to operate in compliance with all applicable in-country laws.

We take these commitments seriously and are committed to working with our partners to improve working conditions for employees; however, if we become aware of any unresolved violation of any of the principles or practices outlined in this document, we will take serious action including, if necessary, discontinuation of the business relationship concerned.